The Affordable Housing Pipeline   presented by   Jamboree Housing Corporation

CLAREMONT: Larkin Place

Jamboree Larkin Place Supportive Housing in Claremont

Jamboree, a nonprofit affordable housing developer, is developing Larkin Place – a supportive housing community at 731 Harrison Avenue. This redevelopment opportunity will transform an underutilized site previously owned by Pilgrim Place into 32 apartments of permanent supportive housing that combines affordable housing with onsite services for low-income and formerly homeless individuals. Larkin Place will be Jamboree’s second community developed in Claremont. Courier Place has provided affordable housing options to Claremont residents since 2011. 

Project updates and next steps

Construction on Larkin Place has begun. If you have any questions or concerns regarding construction, please email

In July of last year, Jamboree was awarded tax credits by the state. Following that successful tax credit application, Jamboree purchased the land from Pilgrim Place in August. Jamboree will own and operate Larkin Place with no ongoing responsibility or oversight from Pilgrim Place. Of course, like with all community members, Jamboree intends to be a collaborative and engaged neighbor. 

Who will live at Larkin Place?

Larkin Place residents will be formerly homeless adults making no more than 30% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and will come from the Service Planning Area that serves Claremont. Like at a typical market-rate apartment, potential residents will be required to sign leases and follow house rules. Unlike market-rate apartments, our residents are subject to a much higher level of scrutiny. The local Housing Authority and Jamboree’s property management team will both conduct separate screenings. 

Who will not be allowed to live at Larkin Place?

  • Registered sex offenders will NOT live at Larkin Place. 
  • Those without legal documentation will NOT live at Larkin Place. 
  • Individuals convicted of felony meth production will NOT live at Larkin Place. 
  • Those convicted of arson will NOT live at Larkin Place. 
  • Those who have committed a violent crime will NOT live at Larkin Place.  

Permanent Supportive Housing is not a viable solution for every individual experiencing homelessness. To become a resident, individuals must undergo a comprehensive application process that can take months to complete. The process requires the applicant to navigate a bureaucratic system and obtain multiple documents that detail their eligibility. Individuals will not be pulled directly from the street and placed into Larkin Place. 

Is this property another homeless shelter?

Larkin Place is not a shelter. We are developing apartment homes where residents can live long-term and will receive access to wraparound services. Unlike homeless shelters, residents in permanent supportive housing sign leases and do not move out after short stays. 
There will be no onsite intake center for those experiencing homelessness, and no walk-in services will be available. Every resident must undergo an extensive background check and eligibility screening before becoming a resident at Larkin Place. 

What services will be available to residents?

Jamboree’s proven supportive housing model provides services and programs that help our residents thrive and reach their goals. Jamboree and other community partners like the Tri-City Mental Health Center will ensure residents have onsite access to trained professionals who can supply services and support – including  

  • Case management 
  • Peer support activities 
  • Individual and group therapy 
  • Crisis counseling  
  • Recovery services 
  • Life skills courses such as resume building, budgeting, and conflict resolution 
  • Community building activities 

We are proud that 92% of Jamboree’s residents in supportive housing remain stably housed. 

How will Jamboree maximize security?

Jamboree creates a site-specific security plan at each of our properties. Some of the security measures in place at Larkin Place will be: 

  • Access-controlled entry 
  • A voice-down security system that provides a live video feed to offsite security team that monitors 24/7 
  • An overnight visitor policy that limits guests to a cumulative total of 14 nights per year 
  • 24-hour emergency response team
  • Onsite property management staff living at the property

As a community developer, Jamboree takes a long-term interest in the neighborhoods where our communities are located. As the owner and operator of the site, it is in our own best interest to keep the property properly maintained. We enforce the rules tenants agree to when signing their lease. Additionally, our state government, federal government, and private lender partners, tie our ongoing funding to proper community management. There are multiple layers of oversight and accountability. 

Jamboree's commitment to community engagement

Jamboree will remain accessible to the community throughout the lifetime of Larkin Place. If you would like to get in touch with us, please email 

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Engaging community members and local partners is critical to Jamboree’s development process. For Larkin Place, Jamboree held five public community meetings, hosted a site walk, and conducted a bus tour of other similar Jamboree properties for Claremont residents. In addition, Michael Massie, Jamboree’s Chief Development Officer, was a guest on the Claremont Speaks podcast. Community input influences design and operational decisions, thus creating a development that better serves the community. 

Jamboree is proud to work alongside local organizations like Pilgrim Place, Housing Claremont, and Friends of Claremont to bring this needed housing to the community. 

    Learn more about Jamboree.

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